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Can it be possible that the surname of Josephte Rollin could actually or also be Lorrain?
Please look at Drouin Collection Film 00020127 Baptism 1 Mar 1824 - Birth 29 Feb 1824 at St-Benoit for Eulalie Foretier, daughter of Francois Foretier and Josephre Lorrain.
Foretier esily can be Fortierr, but I can not find how Rollin can become Lorrain. All the givenr names aree matches! What do you think? Maybe Hans or Johanne could help in this question! There are no other film enrties in the Drouin Collection with a daughter named Eulalie, with parents named Francois and Josephte!
Best hoiday regards. ChasG / Florida
I agree. Josephte Rollin and Josephte Lorrain are the same person. The surname "Lorrain" is a mistake made by the religious officiant at the baptism of Eulalie. "Lorrain" and "Rollin" have similar sound.
I did it. Thanks for the infos.