Back to record of: Elizabeth-Jane Hanly
Elle est d'origine irlandaise. Ses parents sont nés en Irlande, possiblement dans le comté de Limerick.
Enfants: Josephine, Emma Jane, Violette et Piercy Joseph
The following is from "Portrait and Biographical Record of Western Oregon" published in 1904, pages 933-934:
THOMAS PIERCY HANLY, a prosperous and up-to-date rancher residing eleven miles east of Bandon, Coos County, Ore., has, without doubt, the finest ranch along the Coquille river, having upon it an orchard of four hundred trees, as well as an extensive dairy. He has risen to his place of prominence by steady effort and while still a young man has an enviable position in the esteem of his fellow citizens. He was born in San Francisco, Cal., January 10, 1860, the son of Thomas Hanly, an architect, who died when his son was but two years old. His mother, of Irish descent, was Miss Elizabeth Jackson before marrying Mr. Hanly, and some time after his death she was united in San Francisco, February 1st, 1863, with [married to] Henry Chlemens, a native of Denmark and a ship-carpenter by trade. By this union there were four children, two of whom are deceased; the living are Fred and Anna, both residents of California. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanly were blessed with six children, two of whom are still living, Mrs. Jennie Rasette, of Canada; and Thomas P., the subject of this biography. The latter lived with his step-father and family in California until 1869, when they came to Coos County, Oregon., and his step-father pre-empted a claim of one hundred and sixty acres on the Coquille river, ten miles east of Bandon. Here he made many improvements and here he still lives. His wife [Elizabeth (Jackson) Hanly Chlemens] passed away in 1882.
The following is from the "Daily Alta California: San Francisco", Saturday, April 12 1862, page 4, column 2 near the top of the page in the paragraph "Died":
In this city, April 10th, of consumption, Thos. Hanly, a native of Limerick, Ireland, aged 41 years. Sacramento and Sydney papers please copy. [indicating relatives in these cities]
Elizabeth Jane Hanly was the 2nd wife of Joseph Rassette. He was married first to Delise Arnold 26 July 1869 in Stronach, Manistee County, Michigan. They had two known children; Edith Florence (Rassette) Magner (1871-1963) and Wilbert Henry Lee Rassette (1873-1881). Delise died before 1879.