Retourner à la fiche de: David Thompson

at marriage: of Terrebonne N.W. Co

13 enfants/children avec/with Charlotte Small

He married Charlotte Small 10 Juin 1799 Ile à la Crosse Saskatchewan and remarried her in a church ceremony in 1812 in Montreal Quebec at St Gabriel Presbyterian

Fanny 10 juin 1801Rocky Mt House Alberta bap Christ Church Anglican Montreal 1804 parents not mentioned but birth is correct ,Samuel 5 mars 1804 Fort Forks,Alberta, Emma 1806 d 22 février 1814 Village Terrebonne, Quebec , John 25 août 1808 Boggy Hall, Alberta d: 14 janvier 1814 Village Terrebonne Quebec, Josuah 1811 mars 28 Fort Augustus, Henry 1813, Charlotte 1815, Elizabeth 1817, William 1819, Thomas 1822, George 1824,, Mary 1827, Eliza 1829.
They leave Terrebonne Quebec for Williamson Ont in 1815 and 2 yrs later 1817 leave Ont for Québec.

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