Retourner à la fiche de: Anne-Marie Thibodeau
*Acadians in Gray website believes her family with her first husband is the family deported to Marlborough, MA listed in 1761 as Timthy SYMNO - 40, Nanny his wife -38, Ta-- - 15, Joseph - 12, Peter - 10, Oliver - 8, Philemn. - 6, Ollex - 4, Paul - 6 months.(Jehn).
* 1766 Opelousas Census (Voorhies): Widow Marie Thibaudau living next to son Joseph Guenard.
* 1777 Opelousas Census (Voorhies): Family 35, Francois Rivard-58; Marguerite [sic] Thibodaut, wife, 57; 1 slave, age 15; 10 cattle, 2 horses, 10 hogs. Lives next to daughter & her family.
*1788 Opelousas Census (Voorhies):Plaisance District- Francoeur 1 male(Joseph) 1 female (Anne-Marie Thiodeau), 1 slave, 20 cattle, 7 horses