Retourner à la fiche de: Adolphe Melancon

Adolphe was a farmer at Ste-Hélène de Bagot, Québec, until he and his family immigrated to Biddeford Maine in 1879. In 1880, Delphis Melancthon, a saw mill employee, his wife, Louise, their six children and a nephew, James Melanson, were living at 58 Elm Street, where they were housing four boarders from Canada. Their three oldest children, Phélonise, Henri and Albina, were working in a cotton mill. In 1900, the widowed Eloise, noted as Lois, was renting a house at 8 Walnut Street. Living with her werre four of her children, Daniel, Valérie, Adolphe and Albina, Albina's husband, Joseph Bonin, and their daughter Marha

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