Retourner à la fiche de: Adelard Cayer
Adelard G. “Ducky” Cayer, 77, of Andover, died peacefully Sunday, Apr. 6, at the Franklin Memorial Hospital with his family beside him.
A lifelong resident of the area, he resided on the Wentzell Road, Andover.
He was born in Rumford on July 13, 1925, the son of George and Josephine Tousignant Cayer, and graduated in 1943 from Stephens High School in Rumford.
He was a veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corp during World War II, earning the American, African and Middle Eastern Campaign Ribbons and a Victory Medal after flying numerous missions over the European Theater.
He served with the 15th Army Air Corp B-24 Liberators as a Radio Operator/Gunner in the 781st Bombardment Squadron H, 465th Bombardment Group stationed in Pantanella Airfield Italy from 1944 to 1945.
He retired in 1987 from the Boise Cascade Paper Group, Rumford Mill, as a Quality Control Forman after 43 years of service.
Since his retirement, Mr. Cayer, better known as “Ducky” to all his family and friends, was very active in the Ellis River Riding Club in Andover where his humor will be missed by all members who knew him.
He was a Registered Maine Master Guide for more than fifty years. He was known for his extensive knowledge of and love for the outdoors. He was an accomplished expert in the field of firearms and ammunitions. He shared his legacy with many.
He was married in Rumford on July 30, 1950 to Gloria T. Arsenault, his beloved wife of 53 years, who survives, of Andover.
Other survivors include two daughters, Deborah Cayer and her husband Matthew Bean of Andover, and Sharon Perkins and her husband James of Cornish; a son, George Cayer and his wife Lori and their two daughters, Larissa and Hillary Cayer all of Rumford.
He was predeceased by a daughter, Sandra Cayer; and three sisters, Georgette, Regine and Irene of Rumford.
He was instrumental in handing down his lifelong outdoor traditions to many friends and family, especially his granddaughters, whom he helped become avid outdoor girls, hunters and shooters.