Biographie Boutin Philias
Famille Boutin - enfants, CA1920
De gauche à droite: Edouard, Marie-Louise, Blandine, Dolores, Jean-Baptiste et Rose-Alma. Assise: Joséphine Boutin
Selon l'extrait du registre du cimetière de Westbrook, les tombes de Philias Boutin et de son fils Joseph ne seraient plus visibes aujourd'hui. Voir l'explication ci-bas:
N43*40.36 – W70*21.0
St. Hyacinth is Westbrook’s active Catholic cemetery and it has a preponderance of French family stones in the older section. In keeping with the French history of the City of Westbrook, we have recorded these transcriptions in French as written on the stones. Around the turn of the century there was a section of burials marked only by a numbered IronCross; the name was recorded in the priest’s record book but not on the cross. According to Citylore, during WW II the iron crosses were removed and the iron donated to the war effort and burial sites were no longer evident. Thanks to Phil LaViolet of Westbrook who has a copy of the priest’s record book, we have included the listings for these burials (identified in this transcription by a cross [+]). This data was translated from the original handwritten French so there may be errors in spelling and translation. Most of these ‘Iron Cross’ names do not have any stones marking their burial places.* Denotes that no stone was seen in 2002 but names were on earlier transcriptions. If data was not taken from the stone but from cemetery records or obituaries, the entry is so marked.
Last First/Maiden Information
BOUTIN Joseph *+ c/o Philias Boutin & Josephine Lemieux; accidental drowning;
interred 4 Aug 1902, age 10 yrs
BOUTIN Philias* + h/o Josephine Lemieux; d. 15 Aug 1904, age 47 yrs