Biographie Nadeau Lewis

Biographie Nadeau Lewis

Home District  city of Toronto    to writ

                       Personally appeared before me James Fitz Gibbon Esquire, one of  His Majesty's Justices of the Peace within the said District, Lewis Nedeau who brings duty sworn deposith and faith that he is the person he declares himself to be in the according Petition and that the statements made therein are true.

                                   Lewis                 Nedeau

                             his mark    X

sworn before me this 27th Nov 1839   James Fitz Gibbon J>P>

   I do hereby certify that I recollect the above named Lewis Nedeau as a soldier in the Glengarry Fencibles and I have no doubt that the statements in his Petition are true.

  Submit 27th November 1839

 James Fitz Gibbon  Late a Captain in the said Glengarry Regient

I certify further that the men enlisting in the said Regiment were promised one hundred acres of land each. James Fitz Gibbon



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