Biography Sevigny Xavier
Line, Name, Role, Color, Sexe, Month Born, Year born, Age, Civil, Number years married, Children, Children alive, Birthplace, Father’s birthplace, Mother’s birthplace, Year of immigration, Number of years in USA, Alien or Naturalized, Occupation
22, Sevigny Francois, Head, W, M, Nov, 1844, 55, M, 35, -, -, Cf, Cf, Cf, 1900, 0, Al, Daily laborer
23, Sevigny Rose, Wife, W, F, May, 1847, 53, M, 35, 16, 12, Cf, Cf, Cf, 1900, 0, -, -
24, Sevigny Napoleon, Son, W, M, Dec, 1869, 30, S, -, -, -, Cf, Cf, Cf, 1892, 8, Al, Loom fixer
25, Sevigny Arthur, Son, W, M, June, 1879, 20, S, -, -, -, Cf, Cf, Cf, 1898, 2, Al, Weaver cotton
26, Sevigny Rose, Daughter, W, F, Aug, 1883, 16, S, -, -, -, Cf, Cf, Cf, 1900, 0, -, -
27, Sevigny Mary, Daughter, W, F, Nov, 1884, 15, S, -, -, -, Cf, Cf, Cf, 1900, 0, -, -