Biographie Josse Guillaume

Biographie Josse Guillaume

Janvier Jossse was baptised October 5, 1771 at D'Escousse by Fr. Bailly; sponsors were Simon Benoist and Sophie Dugas.

"John Joyce" asked for a surveyor's report on land at D'Escousse in 1804. (Cape Breton crown land record #146a) He received a Crown Lease in that year.

He was listed as John Josse listed in the 1811 census in D'Escousse. He was age 14-60 and a fisherman. With him were a married female age 14-60 (his wife), three males and two females under 14 (His children), and an unmarried female age 14-60. (probably an older daughter based on the 1813 listings of children that follows)

In 1813 John Josse was listed in Cape Breton militia roll as a member of the Seventh Military Division.

His age was 53, born in Cape Breton, a miner, holding 80 acres of land by crown lease (five were cleared), three oxen, seven cattle and four sheep. With him was one woman, tow sons and three daughters.

John Mary Joice (Josse) mariner, age 16, was listed next, the third son who had been listed in the 1811 census.

In 1815 John Joice (Josse) petitioned the crown for a lot adjoining the one he then occupied, which he wished for a place to cure fish. The lot had been in possession of Peter Gerrior, who was deranged "strolling about the country as a madman" and his family dispersed. John stated that he was 54, a native of Cape Breton and had three sons and three daughters. The petition was postponed. (Cape Breton land records #2153.

In 1811 he again petitioned, stating he was born in Louisbourg, was 57 years old and had a wife and four children living with him in D'Escousse. He asked a grant of a lot he had held by crown lease since 1804. The lot contained 270 acres at D'Escousse near the entrance of Lennox Passage, to be called "Retribution."

In 1826, according to Raymond Joyce, he received a grant of 40 acres on the south side of St. Peter's Bay and forming the harbour of D'Escousse. Raymond Joyce says that Janvier died shortly after 1832 and in his will bequeathed 15 pounds to the church and split his land among his children: John Marie, Michael, Marine, Magdalene and step-sons Regis and Peter Petitpas.

On July 15, 1832 at D'Escousse he served as godfather to his grandson Simon Josse.

Celestin Landry was his son-in-law and Pierre Petitpas was his step-son.

The Will of John Josse: Arichat Court House, Arichat, Richmond, Nova Scotia

File No. A37, Dated 31 Mar 1836

In the Name of God Amen - I John Josse of Descousse in the County of Cape Breton yeoman being of sound mind and memory blessed be to God and knowing the certainty of death but uncertain of the moment of death and wishing to regulate my worldly concerns, do thus by this my Last Will and Testament

First: I bequeath the sum of fifteen pounds to be paid by my executors out of my personal property, for the prayers of the Holy Roman Catholic Church to which I profess to belong.

Secondly: After the payment of the said fifteen pounds and all the necessary expenses which may attend my burial in a decent and respectable manner, I bequeath the residue of my personal Estates of whatever nature soever which I may be possessed of or in any wise entitled to at the time of my decease to John M. Josse, Michael Josse, Simon Josse, my sons and Regis Petitpas and Peter Petitpas, my step sons, Marine Boudrot wife of Desire Boudrot and Magdalene Landrie wife of Celestin Landrie my daughters to be divided amongst them or the heirs of any of them should any of them die before me share and share alike -

Thirdly: I will and order that as soon after my decease as may be possible, my Executors shall sell and dispose of that part of my real estate consisting of the dwelling house now occupied by me situated in Descousse aforesaid and the Lot of Land on which the same stands and also two chains of Land situated in Descousse aforesaid running from the shore to the rear line of the Descousse lots and bounded on the West by the lands of the Church aforesaid and on the East by land conveyed by me to my son Simon Josse and of which they are hereby authorized and empowered to give a deed of the same to the highest bidder. And the proceeds of the sale thereof I order will and bequeath to my said sons John M. Josse, Michael Josse and Simon Josse, my Step Sons, Regis Petitpas and Peter Petitpas and my daughters Marina Boudrot and Magdalene Landrie, or to the heirs of any of them should any of them die before me share and share alike. -

Fourthly: I will and bequeath to my sons John M. Josse, Michael Josse and Simon Josse their heirs and assigns all that part of my real Estate called Isle Barnard, -------- consisting of the Eastern and of the same and extending westerly as far as the most eastern brook or stream running across the same To Have and To Hold the same to them and their heirs and to the only proper use and behoof of them and their heirs and assigns forever.

Fifthly: I will and devise to my Step Sons Regis Petitpas and Peter Petitpas, my daughters Marine Boudrot and Magdalene Landrie their heirs and asigns all that part of Isle Barnard aforesaid to the westward of the most eastern Brook or Stream which runs across the same, saving and reserving therefrom four chains, willed and devised by me as herein after mentioned to my granddaughter Bonne Landrie To have and To Hold the same, (saving and reserving as aforesaid) into the said Regis Petitpas, Peter Petitpas, Marine Boudrot and Magdalene Landrie their heirs and assigns to the only proper use of them and their heirs and assigns forever. -

Sixthly: I will and devise to my granddaughter Bonne Landrie a tract of land in the middle part of Isle Barnard bounded as follows to be in at the South Shore at the eastern side of a clearing commonly known by the name of Pierreotte and to be four chains in width from shore to shore easterly from said clearing. -

And I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my son John Marie Josse and Lawrence O'Connor Doyle of Halifax Esq to be joint executors of this my last will and Testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto my hand and seal subscribed and set this thirty first day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty six.

John Josse "X" His Mark


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