Biographie Coderre Pierre
Bonaventure LARIVIERE (s/o Joseph RIVIERE & Marie LOISEAU) married Nov. 13 1761 at St-Sulpice (L'Assomption co) to Marie-Charlotte GODERE (d/o Pierre & Marie FERON)
Marie-Charlotte GODER, daughter of Pierre GODER dit LaCayade and ... SANCER was baptised Aug. 11 1745 at St-Sulpice.
The original spelling of GODERE dit LACAYADE is : CODERRE dit LACAILLADE.
Lack of documentation had Gabriel Drouin in his Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais (vol. 1 p. 288 ) to identify Pierre CODERRE dit LACAILLADE as the son of Antoine CODERRE dit EMERY, but it's a mistake. Cyprien Tanguay in his Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Canadiennes (DGCF vol. III p. 104) gives nor ancestry for him.
According to Mario Coderre (a descendant of Pierre) :
Pierre CODERRE dit LAVIOLETTE and LACAILLADE, father of Marie-Charlotte, came to Canada as a Compagnie Franche de la Marine soldier (Le Ferriere co.). He was stationned at Fort Catarakoui (then Fort Frontenac, now Kingston ONT) where he married Marie-Louise FERRON dit SANCERRE (d/o Jean-Baptiste FERRON & Elisabeth PATENAUDE) c. 1733. No marriage record or contract were found, but the couple had their first three children at Fort Frontenac before coming to Montreal and later St-Sulpice where they settled. There are many notary documents to identify the couple.
Pierre CODERRE dit LACAILLADE was from the hamlet of La Caillade (hence his soldier nickname), near Sourzac (Dordogne), Perigord, in France. He was probably the son of Antoine COUDERC and Francoise DEMONT. The baptism records of two potential sisters were found in the church register of Sourzac.
Source : Memoires de la Societe Genealogique Canadienne-Francaise (MSGCF), vol. 44 # 1 (Spring 1993) p. 4 to 18.
Dominique Ritchot Genealogy Open Forum Moderator Genealogist, RITCHOT family researcher
If you read my message carefully, the parents of Pierre Coderre dit Lacaillade are :
Antoine COUDERC and Francoise DEMONT. The baptism records of two potential sisters were found in the church register of Sourzac.
No further research has been done, so for now, this is what we're at on this migrant.
Dominique Ritchot Genealogy Open Forum Moderator Genealogist, RITCHOT family researcher
Thank you Dominique, I guess was hoping.
Can you confirm me if those children of Pierre Coderre Lacaillade were born in Kingston: Marie-Louise Coderre-Lacaillade married to Pierre Provost-Prévost; Alexandre Coderre Lacaillade married to Marie Marguerite Ledoux; Joseph Jean Baptiste Coderre Lacaillade married to Marie-Josèphe Cusson. Thank you again.
Children of Pierre Coderre dit LaCaillade & Marie-Louise Favron (Ferron) dit Sancerre :
1. Marie-Louise b. c. 1733 Fort Catarakoui m. 27 Nov. 1752 St-Sulpice, Qc : Pierre PROVOST 2. Joseph b. c. 1734 Fort Catarakoui m. 10 Oct. 1763 St-Sulpice : Marie-Josèphe CUSSON 3. Alexandre b. c. 1736 Fort Catarakoui m. 06 Oct. 1760 Vercheres : Marguerite LEDOUX 4. Toussaint btp. 13 Aug. 1738 Montreal m. (1) 1762 L'Assomption : Marie-Marguerite RIVIÈRE, m. (2) 1780 L'Assomption : Marguerite LANDIER 5. Marie bpt. 22 Sept. 1740 Montreal m. 1763 St-Sulpice : Jean-Baptiste PERREAULT dit CHATEAUGUAY 6. Marie-Charlotte bpt. 05 Nov. 1742 Montreal d. 12 Sept. 1743 Montreal 7. Marie-Charlotte bpt. 11 Aug. 1745 St-Sulpice m. 1761 St-Sulpice : Bonaventure RIVIERE dit LARIVIERE 8. Pierre bpt. 27 Apr. 1747 St-Sulpice d.22 Jul 1747 St-Sulpice 9. anonymus child (stillborn) b. & d. 23 June 1748 St-Sulpice 10. Pierre bpt. 13 June 1749 St-Sulpice
source MSGCF vol. 44 no. 1 (1993) p. 18.