Biographie Boucher Jacques-Timothee

Biographie Boucher Jacques-Timothee

Il y a une pléthore de références concernant ce légendaire personnage. Un bon point de départ est la "Timothy Demonbreun Heritage Society" Afin de jeter un peu de lumière sur sa descendance il faut se remémorer cet extrait de sa fiche, présentée sur Wikipedia: "Demonbreun traveled extensively, and managed two careers and two families. He fulfilled his duties as lieutenant governor of the Illinois Territory and maintained a family in Kaskaskia. During his time in Nashville, he took a mistress and began to raise a family there. Demonbreun had five children by his wife in Illinois and four [Félix Theodore; Polly (Cagle); William; and John Baptiste] by his mistress in Nashville. In his will, he mentions his children by name, Agnes, Doza, Julia Johnson, and Timothy DeMonbreun. He specifically lists children William, John, and Polly as illigitimate. He does not mention the mother of either family of children nor his son Felix [1] Felix Demonbreun is well documented through census and other records. De plus voici différentes graphies du nom: Demanbrun/ Demembruen/ Demenbren/ Demenbreun/ Demonbreau/ Demombreon/ Demomdrum/ Demonbereau/ Demonbra/ Demonbrane/ Demonbreim/ Demonbrem/ Demonbren/ Demonbrene/ Demonbreuen/ Demonbreum/ Demonbreun/ Demonbruem/ Demonbruen/ Demonbrum/ Demonbrun/ Demontbreum/ Demontbreun/ Demontbrun/ Demontbruni/ Demumbram/ Demumbran/ Demumbrane/ Demumbraum/ Demumbre/ Demumbree/ Demumbreen/ Demumbren/ Demumbreum/ Demumbreun/ Demumbrum/ Demumbrun/ Demumbry/Demumbun/ Demumdrum/ Demumlrum/ Demumnrum/ Demunbrain/ Demunbran/ Demunbreun/ Demunbrum/ Demunbrun/ Demunburn


A Genealogy and History of Jacques Timothe Boucher Sieur De Monbreun and His Ancestors and Descendants compiled and copyrighted by Kathryn DeMonbreun Whitefort; published by Edwards Brothers Inc, Ann Arbor MI

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