Biography Duncan Alexander
Frampton, Dorchester Co., QC Church of England BAPTISM - DUNCAN Alexander son of James DUNCAN, farmer, in the Township of Frampton, County of Beauce, District of Quebec, and of Mary Ann by her maiden name McCONNEL, his wife, was born on the Fourteenth day of June and baptized on the Twenty Seventh day of October in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine by me Robert KNIGHT, Missionary for Frampton, Standon and parts adjacent. Present: James DUNCAN & Gilbert HENDERSON
Ste-Claire Catholic Church, Dorchester Co., QC (in French) 1879 - BAPTISM Convert from Protestant to Catholic Alexander DUNKIN Baptized: 29 Mar 1879 Age: 38 years Wife: Idias BAZIN Godfather: Octave BAILLARGEON, merchant of St-Anselme Godmother: Marie Caroline BAZIN (signatures) Alexander DUNKIN, Idiaz BAZIN. Marie Caroline BAZIN, Oct BAILLARGEON, Philomene BAZIN, Jean ROY, Emma BAILLARGEON, Arthur BAILLARGEON Ed W HAMON, S. J., Priest