Biography McGregor John-Thomas

Biography McGregor John-Thomas

   Before the undersigned Justice of the Peace acting in default of notary public in and for the District of Gaspé and witnesses called to the execution of these presents, as by law provided:

   Personally came and appeared John Thomas Ste Croix, farmer of the parish of St Pierre de Malbaie, who by these presents, declares to have sold, transferred and made over, and does sell, transfer and make over, unto John Thomas McGregor of the said parish of St Pierre de Malbaie, hereto present and accepting for himself and successors that is to say:

   All right, title, or claim which he, the said John Thomas Ste Croix has or may hereafter have to the following immoreable that is to say a certain piece of land being the west half of lot number twenty-three (23) of the second range north of the township of Malbaie containing fifty (50) acres in superficies be the same more or less; borded to the north by the north line of the said second range north; to the east by John B. Ste Croix; to the south by the line dividing the first and second range north; and to the west by the line dividing the lots twenty-three and twenty-four, from the said north line of said second range north unto the point where a brook known as ''The Little Fork'' intersects the line on question; from the said point, the said brook known as the ''Little Fork'' form the west boundary of the immoreable sold as above.

   The present sale and conveyance is made for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred and Forty dollars ($140) currency which the said vendor John Thomas Ste Croix acknowledges to have received from the said purchaser John Thomas McGregor, and dont quittance.

   Done and passed at Barachois de Malbaie this twenty ninth day of march in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ten. After hearing the reading of these presents, the contracting parties have hereto assigned their signatures, on the date above mentionned

Thomas McGregor and Joseph Trachy, witnesses

Henry Lawrence

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