Biographie McGregor Francois-Xavier

Biographie McGregor Francois-Xavier

   Before the undersigned one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the District of Gaspé, acting hereto with the subscribing witnesses in default of a Notary Public as by law especially provided for the County of Gaspé.

   Personnaly came and appeared:

   William Element, farmer, and Xavier McGregor, farmer, both of Barachois, Co Gaspé, who have covenanted and stipulated as follows:

   The said William Element by these presents gives, donates and makes over, by way of donation inter vivos, pure simple and irrevocable, except and save in case of non fulfilment by the donee of the obligations hereby imposed upon him, or for other legal cause, unto the said Xavier McGregor, present and accepting hereto, the following property:

   ''A certain property situate in the First Range North of the Township of Malbaie, Co Gaspé, bounded in front by the waters of the Bay of Malbaie, in rear by the lands of the second Range, on one side to the East by Philip Bond, and on the other to the West by George Hotton, with buildings thereon, circumstances and dependencies, and less the part thereof sold for the right of way of the Atlantic Quebec and Western Railway. The said property is now known and designated on the Plan and Book of Reference for the said Township of Malbaie, under the number 86a of the First Range North.''

   The present Gift is made subject to the following conditions and obligations which are imposed by the donor and accepted by the donee.

   Firstly: The said donee shall keep, maintain, feed, clothe, house, and generally, support the said donor, and shall give him every possible assistance, corporal and spiritual, according to his state and condition, shall have a physician attend him in case of sickness, and shall procure the ministry of a priest.

   Secondly: To have the donor decently buried, and to pay all his funeral and other expenses.

   The said donee shall have the right to sell the property hereby given, but in such case, the donor will have the right to secure the execution of these presents by registering a notice of privilege and hypotec against the property which the donee owns and occupies at present, and until such sale, the property hereby given shall be hypothecated in order to secure such execution, but such hypothecation shall cease absolutely and become null and void by the registration or execution of a Deed of Sale of the said property by the donee or his heirs and assigns.

   Whereof Acte., at Percé, this 26th june 1922.

   And the parties declaring themselves unable to sign have made their mark of a cross to these presents with and in presence of the subscribing and attesting witnesses, these presents having been read and approved of.

Alph. Garneau and S. J. Flynn, witnesses

? ? Tuzo, J. P. Dist. Gaspé.

Source: Bibliothèque et archives Nationales du Québec, année 1922

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