Biographie Simard Azilda

Biographie Simard Azilda

Azilda, beloved wife of L.J. Boucher passed away at St. Joseph's hospital where she had been taken for treatment for cancer of the stomach, on Thursday, Jan. 20th, age 57 years and eight months. A year ago deceased underwent an operation at the same institution for her malady that eventually claimed her as a victim. Mrs. Boucher was born at St. Ambroise, Joliette County, Canada, June 15th, 1852, her maiden name being Azilda Simard. August 1870 she was united in marriage to the husband that still survives her and together they came to Marshfield in 1880 where they have resided of late years on a farm just north of the city limits in the town of McMillan. Deceased was a mother of 12 children, seven sons and five daughters all of whom are living except the first, a son, who died in infancy. The living are Napoleon Boucher of Abbotsford, Wilfred, Albert, Edward, Frank and Lawrence Boucher and Mrs. R. W. Spencer and Mrs. Frank Duval of McMillan, Mrs. Jos. Schafer of Fenwood, Mrs. Jacob Kaige of Youngstown and Mrs. J. C. Burgett of Anacortis, Washington. In addition to these she is survived by 26 grandchildren.

Her taking away calls from a happy home a tender, kind hearted mother whose life has been one of love and devotion to those most near and dear to her. It was the care and comfort of those about her she thought most of and when she closed her eyes in the sleep that knows no waking this world lost a noble woman and the home she has blessed these many years, a faithful loving mother. The funeral services took place Sunday afternoon from the house, Rev. Postlethwaite officiating. The bereaved family has the sympathy of all in its hour of mourning.

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