Biographie Daniel Bourassa

Biographie Daniel Bourassa

Early Chicago Book

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Bourassa, Daniel, Jr. born 1780 into a prominent family at Mackinac; son of Daniel Bourassa, Sr. and Marguerite Bertrand [The wife of the St. Joseph trader Joseph Bertrand, Sr. was Madelaine Borasseau, possibly a different spelling of the same name; eds.], brother of Léon; trader and resident at Chicago in 1817; justice of the peace; married to an Indian, then later married Theotis Arnwaiskie (May 20, 1826), John Kinzie officiating; resided on the E side of the south branch of the river, not far from the Forks; his name appears on a poll list in 1826 and as voter on August 7; in April the following year, he attended the estate sale after W.H. Wallace`s death; at the Chicago Treaty of 1833 his many children received government stipends in addition to cash payments of $1100 and $600. Their names were: Joseph Napoleon, Mark, Jude, Thérèse, Stephen, Gabriel, Alexander, James, Elai, Jerome; M.D. Bourassa [Madam?] received $100. [12]

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