Biography Auclair Pierre

Biography Auclair Pierre

From Find-a-Grave:

Peter Auclair was one of the oldest residents of this section of the Adirondacks. He was born in St. Vincent de Paul, P. Q., in 1839, the son of Peter Auclair, Sr., and his wife, Christine Pauquette Auclair. Half a century ago he came to this section of the Adirondacks and entered lumbering, in which line of work he was a prominent figure for many years. In 1896, in company with his son, Dorise Auclair (later chief of police in Tupper Lake) he was engaged in the lumbering projects on the Dr. Webb tract at Ne-ha-sa-ne Park until 1901. Later he was engaged in the same work for the Woodcock company at Fine. His wife died in 1909. He resided in Michigan, still in the lumbering game, until 1920, when he returned to Tupper Lake.

In 1928 he made a trip alone across the continent to visit his daughter, Mrs. Julia Chapman, in California, where he remained for several years.

Since his return to New York state he had resided for four years with his eldest daughter, Mrs. John Sears.

Despite his age he had been active until he was stricken by a paralytic shock which caused his death.

He is survived by five daughters and four sons: Mrs. Georgiana Sears, Tupper Lake; Mrs. Maude Turner, Hannibal. N. Y.; Mrs. Julia Chapman, Sacramento, Calif.; Mrs. Eva Cullens, Utica, N. Y.; Mrs. Allie Foley, Watertown, N.Y.; Oliver Auclair, Detroit Mich.; Henry Auclair, Oseneka, Mich.; Dennis and Laurente Auclair, of Pontiac, Mich.

There are also surviving 16 granddaughters, 10 grandsons, 38 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren — a grand total of 76 living descendants.

An Impressive feature of the services Sunday morning was that Peter Auclair was borne to his final resting place by six grandsons as pall bearers - Edmond and Arthur Auclair of Tupper Lake, John Sears of Syracuse, Dorise Sears of Utica, William and Lyden Cullens, also of Utica.

1920 census Family 176- Boarder at his son-in-laws  hotel


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