Biographie D'Entremont William-Albert
Tiré du site "Descendants of Philippe Mius d'Entremont",
Written by a descendant.
William Albert d'ENTREMONT dit William "B", 5G Grandson.
Born on 2 May 1865, William Albert died on 16 Feb 1937, he was 71.
William "B" received his initial schooling at the local school in Lower West Pubnico, Yarmouth Co., NS. He beleived it wise to further his education and being that his father had the means, he enrolled himself at the Halifax Business College and at the age of 23 he received his diploma from that institution the 3 October 1888. (31 Oct as stated in the Argus is in error...I have a copy of the diploma in question and it's clearly dated 3 October) He was most likely the most educated young man in the area at the time. His education served him well. For the next ten years which were to follow he taught school in the Pubnico area, then embarked on another career which was to make his name well known in the County of Yarmouth.
In 1899 William "B" and his brother Charles "B" began a general merchandise store together, as their father had done before them. It was a store where anything and everything could be bought and with time became one of the largest in Pubnico.
In 1920 William "B"'s brother, Charles "B" decided to start his own general store and established himself on the Old School Road, just a short distance away. Eventually Charles "B" closed his store and in 1973 this building was haulded away to a new location.
William "B" was interested in minicipal politics and was elected as councillor to represent thePubnico area. On the 10 January 1905 he was chosen Warden for the municipality of Argyle, a post he held for three years, from 1905 to 1908. Like his father before him, and his grand father Benoni, he was appointed a Justice of the Peace on 21 October 1898. My father, Stan a William "B" was also appointed Justice of the Peace, following the tradition. On 11 May 1910 he was named Post Master for Lower West Pubnico. In 1935 Canada Post rewared him with a medal for his 25 years of service to their community. My grand father was ill for the last five or six years of his life and the family cared for the business. He died the 16 February 1937 at the age of 71...only 12 days before my uncle, Lloyd, was to be ordained to the priesthood.
William "B" continued to believe in education and in so, two of his sons (an Argus article says three....however this is an error) attended and granduated from colleges. Lloyd, who was to become a priest attended college in Quebec and Stan, my father, attended College Ste. Anne in Church Point where in graduated with the Governor's award and was validictorian.
On 9 Jun 1903 when William Albert was 38, he married Barbara Agnes AMIRAULT (987) , 5G Granddaughter, daughter of Marc Agapit AMIRAULT dit Gapi (1850-) & Julie AMIRAULT (698). Barbara Agnes was born on 15 Jun 1880 in East Pubnico, Yarmouth Co., NS. She died in West Pubnico on 10 Aug 1972 and was buried in the cemetery at St. Peter's in West Pubnico, Yarmouth Co. NS, she was 92.