Biography Rankin Deneen-James
HMCS Sioux 2nd Tour in Korea 1951/52
Departed Esquimalt, BC, Canada: 08 Apr 1951
Arrived Op Area (Korea/Japan): 30 Apr 1951 Spent some shore leave time in Kure, Japan on January 13, 1952. While on leave, Dean hooked up with an old school buddy, Jim Thayer, who was also in Kure on leave - from the Army.
Departed Op Area (Korea/Japan): 14 Feb 1952
Arrived Esquimalt: 08 Mar 1952
HMCS Huron 3rd Tour in Korea 1954/55
Departed Halifax: 01 Aug 1954 and sailed south to Kingston, Jamaica. Then transversed the continent via the Panama Canal, turned north with stops in Manzanillo, Mexico and Long Beach, California before heading out into the high seas of the Pacific.
The next land they’d see would be at Pearl Harbor, followed by the Marshall Islands, the Guam, and finally Sasebo, Japan. Arrived Op Area (Japan/Korea): 01 Oct 1954.
With a return stop in Sasebo, Departed Op Area (Japan/Korea): 26 Dec 1954, sailing onward to Singapore.
Stops were made in Colombo, Sri Lanka; Kochi and Mumbai (formerly Bombay), India; Karachi, Pakastan; and Aden, Yemen before entering the Suez Canal.
Once on the Mediterranean stops were made in Port Said, Egypt; Malta; and Gibraltar, Spain.
Returning again to the Atlantic they stopped in Ponta Delgada, Azores before the final stretch back to Canada.
Arrived in Halifax: 19 Mar 1955 and complettion of the circumnavigation of the world.