Biographie McCraw Jean
Although legend has Jane McCrea, wife of William Thurber M.D., as being a young lass born in Scotland ca. 1787, and being rescued from indians by William upon her arrival in Canada, the Canadian records appear to show otherwise.
Several Rootsweb sites list Jennet (Jane) Genevieve McCraw as one of the 10 children of Duncan McCraw and Barbara Fraser who married 11 May 1784. Jane's birth date is given as 23 Aug 1789 in Sorel, Richelieu, Quebec. Her marriage to William Thurber M.D. was 14 May 1806 in Angelican Christ Church, Sorel, Richelieu, Quebec, Canada. Source cited was Church Records Sorel, Richelieu Co., Quebec, Canada. Her younger sister Elisabeth McCraw, is reported to have gone to live with Jane and William after the death of parents Duncan McCraw and Barbara Fraser.
A list of marriages in Ste-Croix de Lotbiniere, Canada which includes marriages of the children of William Thurber, M. D., shows various versions of his wife's name, including Genevieve McRay, Jane McRae, Genevieve McRae and Joanne McRay.
A website with a series of Articles by Marie Fraser of Canada, included this paragraph with additional information on Duncan McCraw and Barbara Fraser:
"One of the soldiers who served with the Fraser Highlanders in Canada during the Seven Years War between Britain and France (1757-63) was Duncan McCraw (1739-1803). Barbara Fraser (c1757-1824) was the widow of Hector Morrison, a British loyalist believed to have lived at Kortright's Patent, Tryon County, New York prior to the American Revolution (1775-83). In 1779 the widow Morrison, with her children, fled to the refugee camp at Yamachiche, married McCraw and raised a second family. As part of the introduction to the genealogy of his ancestor, Yvan Goulet has written about Scotland, and he wanted some advice about how to describe the various articles of Highland dress. He noted that during the occupation of Paris in 1816 [after the Napoleonic Wars], the Highlanders proved to be very popular, especially to the women, whose curiosity knew no bounds."