Biographie Lefebvre Clarina

Biographie Lefebvre Clarina

THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1951

Funeral Service Held Today for Mrs. Clarina Proulx, 70

Mrs. Clarina Proulx. 70. a Tupper Lake reaident since childhood, died Sunday night at 11:30 at her home. 8 Deer st. In falling health for the past two years, she had been confined to bed about six months. Funeral services were held this morning at 9 o'clock at St. Alphonsus Church and burial was In St. Alphonaus cemetery here. She was born at St. Justin, Ont, Oct 28. 1880. the daughter of Louis and Delima Sequin Lefevre, who moved to Tupper Lake among the early settlers 81 years ago. She was married here 54 years ago to Ephrem Proulx, who died here in 1945 Mrs. Proulx was active In St. Anne Council No. 357, St. John the Baptist Society. and Edmund Bujold Adirondack Unit No. 3120 Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary She is survived by six daughters. Miss Dorothy Proulx. Mrs. Ray (Florence) Hinchmann, Mrs. Patrick (Lucille) Brady and Miss Ella Proulx. all of New York city; Mrs Charles (Florentine) Roscoe Piercefleld. and Mrs Frank (Joan) Peppino, Tupper Lake: six sons: Homer Proulx of Albany; Leroy Proulx, Marion. N.Y., Randolph and Robert Proulx of Philadelphia. Pa.; Raymond Proulx, Tupper Lake, and Rolland Proulx. Plattsburg: also 21 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. With the exception of Robert Proulx. who is convalescing In a Philadelphia hospital, all of her sons and daughters attended the last rites here today. 

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