Biographie Dufort Fidele-Edith
Mrs Oliver Proulx 81, Dies Here Yesterday After Long Illness
Funeral services will be held at 9 a. m. Saturday at St. Alphonsus Church for Mrs. Fidelia Edith Proulx, 81, of 3 Victor ave., who died about 11:30 a. m Wednesday at Mercy General Hospital here. Ill since December 13. Mrs. Proulx had been confined to the hospital through the past month. She will repose at the Richer Funeral Home until Saturday's service. Interment will be in St. Alphonsus Cemetery here the spring. Born at Curran, Ont, July 37, 1878, the daughter of John and Roxanne Smith Duford, she was married in that village on August 25, 1897, to Oliver Proulx. They moved to Tupper Lake immediately after their marriage, and Mr Proulx was active as a lumbering contractor here for many years until his death on June 4, 1942 as the result of injuries suffered in a logging accident at Kildare. Mrs. Proulx was active in the St Anne Society of St Alphonsus Church. She is survived bu three daughters; Miss Juliet Proulx, Tupper Lake; Miss Veronica Proulx and Mrs James J (Gertrude) Hurley, both of Albany; two sons, Roy J Proulx of White Plains and L Romeo Proulx of Lake Placid; Five grandchildren and five great grandchildren.