Biographie Albert Jean-Baptiste
Marie-Josephte Vanier was married first to Jean Baptiste Letang, aka Brunet-dit-Letang. The Letang-Vanier couple had only one son, Jean-Baptiste born 12 Sept. 1774 in St-Martin. He died and was buried in Ste-Geneviève de Pierrefonds on 21 January 1775. There is no record of Jean-Baptiste Letang senior’s death, nor of any other children born to them. He must have died soon after 1774 as we don’t have any record of him after 1774. There’s nothing that I could find, nor anything in the PRDH in any capacity. But I know that his widow was the one who married Jean-Baptiste Albert as I, and the PRDH, were able to determine from the baptisms of the Albert-Vanier children where the Vanier godparents were identified as the uncles of the children.
Jean-Baptiste Albert, whose German name, per the several documents I have, was Johann Halbär, was said to be legally married to Marie-Josephte Vanier, per the church and notarial records, although no one has a copy of a marriage. About 1799 he started having an affair with Marie-Josephte Letang, although still living with his legal wife Marie-Josephte Vanier in St-Eustache. About 1802-1804, after a brief stay i St-Benoit, Albert and Vanier definitely split and that’s when Jean Baptiste Albert and Marie-Josephte Letang moved to the Côte du Midi in St Andrews East, now known as St-André-d’Argenteuil. Although his legal wife died in 1814, Albert never married his “concubine”. I don’t think Albert was R.C. whereas Letang definitely was.
Jean-Baptiste Albert and Marie-Josephte Letang did indeed have eight children, including my own great grandfather Samuel, who was baptized as François-Xavier, along with an older sister and a younger brother, in Ste-Madeleine de Rigaud on 12 February 1823 at the age of 10. The names shown in your second URL are correct and the approx, dates of birth correct except in one case. Those names and dates came from me originally.
While I do believe that Jean Baptiste Albert, who was probably born about 1760 more or less, was a soldier, I was never able to find one with that given and family name. It is not known that Jean-Baptiste Albert was born in Wulffenbutel, Germany and nothing does support that. I don’t know why she shows that as Albert’s place of birth, except perhaps that it is in Wulffenbutel that there is a list of Brunswickers who came over during the American Revolution between 1776 and 1783. Jean Baptiste Albert’s name is NOT among those. And I don’t know what source was used to say that he was in Virginia in 1783.