Biography Boivin Joseph

Biography Boivin Joseph

Toutes les informations reçu de Frank Watters


Joseph Boivin, born on 18 September 1779, son [F1] of Joseph Boivin, and Catherine Merieux-dit-Bourbon  was married first to Marie-Marguerite Girard, (aka Girard-dit-Breton) widow of Jean Hamel in  Deschambault, Qc.,  on 9 February 1813[F2] [F3] .  This was an unusual wedding as Joseph was 34 years old, and his wife was quite a bit older than him, being  about 56 years old at the wedding.  Naturally, there were no children issue of this marriage.

Marie-Marguerite Girard, identified as the widow of Jean Hamel, her first husband, died in Deschambault on 7 August 1834[F4]  and was buried there.

On 12 January 1835, Joseph Boivin, now widowed, married Lisette Tranchemontagne , daughter of Francois Tranchemontagne and Charlotte Forcier, in Ste-Madeleine, Rigaud, Qc. , in the presence of Paschal Sauvé, and David Gingras, friends of the husband, and Pierre Chamaillard and Hubert Franche, friends of the wife[F5] .   Joseph was identified at this wedding as the widower of the deceased Catherine Breton of the Parish of Deschambault.  There was no “Catherine” Breton –Joseph Boivin wedding so it’s obvious that the record should have read “widower of the deceased Marguerite Breton”

Six children were born of the Boivin-Tranchemontagne wedding, between 1835 and 1844, most in Rigaud, but the last one in Pointe-Fortune, Qc., on 9 March 1844.  Shortly thereafter, the whole family moved to the Mount St Patrick area, Renfrew County, where Joseph died in the spring of 1845.    Lisette died after her husband, but before the 1851 (1852) census but I was unable to find the record of her death.

Three children of Joseph Boivin married in Renfrew County; two in St Patrick church, Mount St Patrick, namely Adélaide to Edouard Dubreuil (aka Debrie), and Caroline to Jean Baptiste Laplante,; and one in St Francis Xavier, Renfrew, namely Denis Boivin, to Margaret Sheedy. The parents of neither Adelaide nor Caroline were given at their wedding, but Denis was said to be the son of Joseph Boivin and Catherine Dupuis.  Those names were also given as his parents at Denis’ death.  At her death in Bonfield, On., Adelaide’s parents were given as Dennis Boivin and Catherine Dupuis.  Since at least 15-20 years, descendants of the those Boivin children, and myself have been trying to find out who that “Catherine Dupuis” was, but without success.  Yet the evidence was right there in front of us.

Solution and documentation:

From searches I made back about 2002, I knew that Joseph Boivin was in Riagud at least from 1822 when he bought a piece of land from Joseph Robidoux on 14 November 1822 (Source: Notary Charles-Louis Nolin, minute #826, 14 November 1822).  Since his first wife Marguerite Girard died in Deschambault, it was evident that she did not follow Joseph to Rigaud.  Thus Joseph was free to have a relationship withj another woman, but could not marry her as his legal wife was still alive.

But “Catherine Dupuis” eluded me until a few days ago when I got back into the family after I received some emails from a descendant who was again trying to find who her ancestors were.

First clue I found was when I thought of searching in BMS2000 where I can obtain the names of godparents at different baptisms.

On 28 January 1822, Joseph Boivin and Catherine Bessette were godparents at the baptism of Joseph Grondin, son of Jean-Baptiste Grondin and Geneviève Bergeron (aka Geneviève Surnommée Bergeron). BMS2000 did not identify Catherine Bessette, so I searched the parish records and found that Catherine Bessette, was the widow of the deceased Jean-Baptiste Dupuis.

Marie-Catherine Bessette was born in St-Mathias de Rouville on 25 January 1786, daughter of Charles Bessette and Marie Blain[F6] .  On 9 February 1807, Marie-Catherine married Jean-Baptiste Dupuis, widower of François Baron.  Jean-Baptiste Dupuis (aka Jean-Baptiste Dupuis, père) died on 27 January 1818, probably in the Seigneurie d’Argenteuil, but the funeralwas in Ste-Madeleine, Rigaud on 29 January 1813.  He was identified as the husband of Catherine “Bezette”, 74 years old[F7] . 

Marie-Catherine Bessette died in Rigaud on 10 May 1834 and was buried there on 12 March.  She was identified as the widow of Jean-Baptiste Dupuis, 53 years old.  Joseph Bergeron was a witness at her funeral[F8] .

Jean Baptiste Dupuis and Catherine Bessette had five children, but the one who is of interest was Catherine, born in December 1807 who was married to Pascal Sauvé; the latter being a witness at Joseph Boivin’s wedding to Lisette Tranchemontagne in 1835.

Thus we can see that this was another clue as to the connection  between Joseph Boivin and the Dupuis family.

Following up on my Boivin-Bessette conviction I searched the 1825 and 1831 censuses for Lower Canada thru FamilySearch. Here is what I found:`

1825 Lower Canada Census, Counnty of York Rigaud, Vol. #2, Page 1153, MG31 C1, Film #718: Image 3 of 7:

Catherine Bessette, veuve Dupuis, 4 in the household:
2 females less than 6 yrs old;
1 male, not married, 40-60 yrs old;
1 femnale less than 14 yrs old;
1 female, not married, over 14 thru 45 years old.

Question:  Who was the male not married?  Based on what we know, and the age, I would suspect that it would be Joseph Boivin.  I believe that the children are all children of Joseph and Catherine; the children with Dupuis were either placed with relatives, working out, or died.

1831 Lower Canada Census, Co. Vaudreuil, Rigaud,  Vol. 6, Page 1942,  MG31 C1, Film# 731 Au Sud de la Rivière à la Graisse:`

J. Boivin, mason, owner, 6 in the household:
1 person less than 5 yrs old;
1 person 5 yrs to less than 14 yrs old;
1 male, married, 30-60 yrs old;
2 females, less than 14 yrs old;`
1 female, married, 45 years old and over.

NOTE:  I know this is our Joseph, as he was a mason by trade and he owned property in Rigaud – see below.  But we also know that even though he wasn’t married he had some children born before 1831..  We only have the names of three children he had with Catherine, so either one of the four above died or they included Anastasie Dupuis, born to Catherine with Jean-Baptiste, who married in 1834.

The 1842 census for Vaudreuil County, Lower Canada, was either lost or destroyed.

In addition to the purchase in 1822 mentioned above here is a list of transactions involving Joseph Boivin:

Notary Public Louis-Martin-Guillaume Dubrul:

20-11-1824, Sale of potash by Joseph Boivin to Laurent Guibert;

30-04-1825, Sale by Henri Brisebois of “un emplacement” in the Seigneurie de Rigaud to Joseph Boivin;

30-04-1835, Sale by Joseph Boivin of a farm in Seigneurie de Rigaud to Francois Beaudry;

Notary Public Martin-Georges Baret (1827-18654)

29-02-1838, “Cession” by Joseph Boivin to Catherine Bessette, widow

So from all that, and the names given at the marriage of Denis, at his death and that of Adelaide, it’s evident that “Catherine Dupuis” was not her maiden name but her married named, i.e. MRS. Catherine Dupuis.   And Joseph could not legally marry Catherine as his wife was still alive in Deschambault.  And as fate would have it, Catherine died in March 1834 and Joseph’s legal wife in August the same year.


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 [F1]Mcrofim of the Parish of Notre-Dame-de-L’Annonciation, L’Ancienne-Lorette, LDS018077,  1676-1789

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 [F2]Microfilm of the Parish of Deschambault, Qc,.LDS #1018123, 1782-1819     

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 [F4]Microfilm of the Parish of Deschambault, Qc. LDS#1018124, 1819-1844

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 [F5]Microfilm of the parish of Ste-Madeleine de Rigaud, Qc., LDS#1028335, 1830-1842

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 [F6]Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection) 1621-1968,, Parish of St-Matias, Comté Rouville, Qc.

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 [F7]Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection) 1621-1968,, Parish of Ste-Madeleine, Rigaud, Co, Vaudreuil, Qc.

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 [F8] Idem


Juste une petite note sur Jean Baptiste Grondin, marié à Genevieve Bergeron.  dont le fils a eu Joseph Boivin et Catherine Bessette comme parrain et marraine en 1822.

Genevève Bergeron, aussi connue sours le nom de Geneviève “Surnommée Bergeron”, était la fille illégitime de Joseph Bergeron et de Marie-Reine Blain, la mère de Catherine Bessette.  J.B. Grondin et Joseph Boivin étaiemt voisins à Rigaud en 1831.  Donc Catherine Bessette était marraine du fils de sa demi-soeur.  


When Joseph Boivin married Lisette Tranchemontagne in Rigaud, one of the witnesses was Pascal Sauvé (dit-Laplante) who was married to Catherine Dupuis, daughter of Jean-Baptiste Dupuis and Catherine Bessette.  Of course that name Catherine Dupuis rang a bell, and I even searched to see if SHE was the same as the one shown as the mother of Denis.  I should have checked right away to see what happened to her mother.  It would have saved a lot of hours.  

When Sophie Boivin, daughter of Joseph Boivin and Lisette Thomas dit Tranchemontagne was baptized in Rigaud on 4 November 1835, the godfather was Joseph Jeannot dit Bergeron, either the husband of Marie-Reine-Renee Blain, Catherine Bessette’s mother, or the son of Joseph and Marie-Reine-Renee Blain.

When Michel Boivin, son of Joseph and Lisette Thomas dit Tranchemontagne was baptized in St-André-Est on 10 March 1844, the godmother was Adée Boivin, no doubt Adélaide who married Edouard Dubreuil.  Michel Boivin was living with Edouard and Adélaide in the 1851 census.  (Further proof of the correct name of Adelaide’s father.  Adelaide was born about 1822 and thus old enough to be the godmother.)

I surmise that since Jean Baptiste Dupuis died in 1818, and  Catherine Dupuis who married Pascal Sauvé was born in 1807, she must have ¸been raised by Joseph Boivin and thus the connection between her husband and Joseph Boivin. 

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