Biographie Cameron Margaret

Biographie Cameron Margaret

Margaret Cameron a.k.a. Dame Ann Cameron / McDonell was possibly born around 1799 or 1795 or 1789

Margaret Cameron a.k.a. Dame Ann Cameron / McDonell age upon her death was listed (possibly as 86 or 90 or 96) in the church records at the Montreal (Basilique Notre – Dame) on 07 September 1885 there may have been 3 different possibilities determining her age due to the uncertainty of the hand writing of the priest at the time.


P.L. Marsolais  Ptre. documented the age of her death record in the French language as being [quatre vingt] but after vingt it could well have been a 6 (six) or 10 (dix) or even 16 (seiz – e) without the e, depending if you view other church records documented by P.L. Marsolais  Ptre. slight indifferences in his hand writing may bring up questioning as to

what letter or alphabet may have been improperly written.


  • Margaret Cameron a.k.a. Dame Ann Cameron / McDonell would have been born in 1799, if she had died at the age of 86 years old in 1885.
  • Margaret Cameron a.k.a. Dame Ann Cameron / McDonell would have been born in 1795, if she had died at the age of 90 years old in 1885.
  • Margaret Cameron a.k.a. Dame Ann Cameron / McDonell would have been born in 1789, if she had died at the age of 96 years old in 1885.


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