Biographie John-Jean-Baptiste Laplante

Biographie John-Jean-Baptiste Laplante

Mystery regarding Jean-Baptiste Laplante biological parent’s


In the 1921 Census of Canada, Province: Ontario, District: Nipissing, Sub-district: 19 – Bonfield (Township) for Denis Laplante son of (Jean-Baptiste Laplante & Caroline Boivin) it states his father’s birth place (John - Jean-Baptiste Laplante) is at SEA.


I Michel Roger Joseph Groulx was told by my mother Yvonne Groulx (nee Amyot) a story which in return was told to her by her mother Clara-Belle Amyotte / Amiot (nee Laplante) that Clara-Belle great-grandfather Jean-Baptiste Laplante was born/delivered abt. 1821 on a ship when he was coming to Canada from Europe (possibly France) Jean-Baptiste Laplante biological mother had died on the ship before arriving to Canada and she was buried at sea.


Apparently Jean-Baptiste Laplante biological father ??? who may have also been European or he may have been born in Canada had impregnated a European woman possibly when he was oversea’s or he had immigrated from Europe and he later wanted her to come live in Canada but unfortuanetely she never arrived in Canada and Jean-Baptiste Laplante was left alone on the ship and  no mother to care for him but there was a couple on the ship who nurtured Jean-Baptiste Laplante until he arrived in Canada.


Upon arriving at the port in Canada there was no father to claim Jean-Baptiste Laplante and the couple who had nurtured him while on the ship had apparently adopted him as there own.


The question is was this couple who had apparently adopted Jean-Baptiste Laplante really  LAPLANTE’S or Jean-Baptiste Laplante may not actually be a Laplante at all.




Need to find all ship’s that arrived in Canada paticularily all ports in Quebec between the year’s of 1818 to 1823 which would provide possible information on the name (SURNAME) of the mother of Jean-Baptiste Laplante who died on a ship while coming to Canada and all the names of the other passenger’s that boarded on ships between 1818 to 1823 which would possibly narrow the adoptive parents and not to mention if there was any Laplante’s on those ships during that period who may have been the adoptive parents.


I believe that base on the information I was given I think that Jean-Baptiste Laplante father may have also been European and he came to Canada before his wife and she later followed him but she never made it to Canada and Jean-Baptiste Laplante father could have possibly died before the ship arrived in Canada or his mother died on the ship shortly after departing Europe and considering the voyage from Europe to Canada may have taken several weeks before arriving to Canada and that may have been the reason he did not claim the child upon arrival in Canada if this part of the story which was told to me is actually completely true I am quite sure he had some sort of idea when the ship was to arrive at a designated port upon arrival in Canada and why would he not have been there unless he was struck with an early death himself.


If there is ever any actual passenger list and a short biography of a death of a person on a ship documented ever found for Jean-Baptiste Laplante’s mother that may also help in discovering who she may have been married too ???


Michel Roger Joseph Groulx

April 02, 2014
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