Biographie Goulet Paul

Biographie Goulet Paul

1900, United States Federal Census, Maine, York, Biddeford, District 224, 44/54, House 216, Family 372

Line, Name, Role, Color, Sexe, Month Born, Year born, Age, Civil, Number years married, Children, Children alive, Birthplace, Father’s birthplace, Mother’s birthplace, Year of immigration, Number of years in USA, Alien or Naturalized, Occupation

16, Goulette Paul, Head, W, M, Mar, 1877, 23, M, 3, -, -, Cf, Cf, Cf, 1900, 0, Al, Daily laborer

17, Goulette Olivine, Wife, W, F, June, 1871, 28, M, 3, 5, 3, Cf, Cf, Cf, 1900, 0, Al, -

18, Goulette Theawd, Son, W, M, April, 1899, 1, S, -, -, -, Cf, Cf, Cf, 1900, 0, -, -

19, Gregoire Emil, Step son, W, M, Mars, 1893, 7, S, -, -, -, NH, Cf, Cf, -, -, -, -

20, Gregoire Rose, Step dau, W, F, Sept, 1894, 5, S, -, -, -, NH, Cf, Cf, -, -, -, -

21, Goulette Joseph, Boarder, W, M, Wn, 1870, 30, M, 5, -, -, Cf, Cf, Cf, 1900, 0, -, -

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