Généalogie Prime-Narcisse Laberge

Arbre généalogique famille:  Laberge

Enfants célibataires, anonymes, selon registres ou recensements
(***** = Informations personnelles protégées par la loi)
ID:  993362
Charles Laberge
Naissance:  27 mai 1830
Décès:  25 déc 1901
ID:  993363
Marie-Rose Parent
Naissance:  10 jan 1835
Décès:  24 jan 1873
ID No: -1098414
Prénom: Prime-Narcisse
Nom: Laberge
Sexe: M
Naissance: 19 septembre 1866
Paroisse/ville: St-Louis-de-Gonzague, Beauharnois, Qc
Pays: Canada
Bapt./Source: 21 September 1866 / FamilySearch, Quebec, Parish Registers, St-Louis-de-Gonzague, 1866 (pg. 234 of 588)
Décès: 02 octobre 1950 - âge: 84
Paroisse/ville: Eau Claire, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin
Pays: États-Unis USA
Inh./Source: memorial and headstone: Prime Laberge / Find-a-Grave website
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
parrain. Narcisse Laberge, marraine. Hermine Parent

Note: baptism acte states his name as Narcisse and his parents were Charles Laberge and Marie Parent, however there are no other records going forward for this child under the name Narcisse. The 1861 and 1881 census for the Charles Laberge family only show the Narcisse born in 1857. There is a child in the Charles Laberge household named "Prime Laberge" on the 1881 census with a birth date that matches this one.

Prime Laberge, shown residing in Hixon Twp, Clark, Wisconsin in 1900, living with brother, Cristofer, next door to brother Alexander -- source: UScensus 1900

Prime Laberge, born in Canada in 1866 was naturalized in Wisconsin, USA in 1890 and in that year married Lottie B. Randall (1879-1946). They made Eau Claire, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin their home. His birth date is estimated as 1866 by his own account -- sources: UScensus 1930 and 1940.

After his death, his headstone has a different birth date (1869). According to the stone, he died 02 Oct, 1950. -- source: Find-a-Grave website
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