ID No: |
-1295903 |
Prénom: |
Joseph |
Nom: |
Sexe: |
M |
Occupation: |
Naissance: |
12 juillet 1862
Paroisse/ville: |
Ste-Gertrude, Nicolet |
Pays: |
Canada |
Bapt./Source: |
Joseph. N: 12 et B: 13-07-1862 à Ste-Gertrude. Du mar. de Livin Verville, cult. et Reine Lavigne de cette paroisse. De Villers, ptre. (FSH, B. 46, 13e f.) |
Décès: |
Paroisse/ville: |
Pays: |
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Joseph correspond à Polidard (possiblement Paul) au recensement de 1871.
Lien Bapteme.
Recensement 1871, Nicolet, Gentilly, p. 49
Livin Verville, cult., 39; Reine, 34 ans.
Suite, p. 50. 1871.
Hector, 12; Polidard, 9; Joseph(Calixte), 5; Albertine, 3; Eugene, 1 mois (mars).
Paul's obituary was printed in the Norwich (Connecticut) Bulletin on December 27, 1934. It says this regarding his siblings : "Surviving Mr. Verville are two sisters, Mrs. Alida Grenier of New Bedford and Mrs. Angelina Tousignant of Sasketchewan; Pauls death certificate states that Paul's father was Victor Verville of Canada with no mother listed. This information was given by Paul's daughter. As I could not find a Victor in the Quebec marriage records I looked for and found Angeline's marriage. (Michael Verville)