Généalogie Charles Babin

Arbre généalogique famille:  Babin

Enfants célibataires, anonymes, selon registres ou recensements
(***** = Informations personnelles protégées par la loi)
ID:  87532
Antoine Babin
Naissance:  1720
ID:  87533
Marie-Catherine Landry
Naissance:  1721
ID No: -1202784
Prénom: Charles
Nom: Babin
Sexe: M
Naissance: 1750 vers
Pays: Canada
Bapt./Source: Year of birth based on age in LA Censuses.
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Speculation that he is Bonaventure Babin who wed Felicite Landry (d/o Rene & Marie Theriot) in 1788. Marriage records gives no parents names. But Bonaventure may be s/o Joseph dit Dios & Anne Marine LeBlanc.
Could be Charles Babin buried 21 Dec 1779 in Ascension Parish (no age or parents given).
Exiled in Port Tobacco, MD on 7 Jul 1763 with family. Listed among Natchez, Natchitoches Parish, LA settlers as 18-yr old with widowed mother & siblings on 11 Feb 1768. On 1 Aug 1770, is 19-yr old head of family w/ widowed mother & 2 sisters in Ascension Parish. Not found in 1777 census. Sources: "Acadian Exiles in the Colonies" by Janet Jehn; "Acadian Exiles in the American Colonies 1755-1767" by Rieder; and "Some Late Eighteenth-Century Louisianans: Census Records of the Colony, 1758-1796" by Jacqueline Voorhies.
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