Généalogie Alexandre Larocque

Arbre généalogique famille:  Larocque

Enfants célibataires, anonymes, selon registres ou recensements
(***** = Informations personnelles protégées par la loi)
ID:  1661799
Leon Larocque
Naissance:  11 mai 1846
ID:  1661800
Mathilde Sabourin
Naissance:  12 nov 1854
ID No: -1469573
Prénom: Alexandre
Nom: Larocque
Sexe: M
Naissance: 11 octobre 1892
Paroisse/ville: Longueuil, Chambly, QC
Pays: Canada
Décès: 22 mai 1916 - âge: 24
Paroisse/ville: Poperinghe
Pays: Belgique
Inh./Source: Inh. à Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgique.
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Généalogie Larocque PRIVATE, Larocque Alexandre. #448144. 22nd Bn. Canadian Infantry (Québec Regiment). Severely wounded to the head in the trenches at Saint-Éloi, Ypres, he died of his wounds the same day at a forward position of No. 3 Casualty clearing station. His will was contested in court amongst his siblings and upheld.
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