Généalogie Alda Leduc

Arbre généalogique famille:  Leduc

Enfants célibataires, anonymes, selon registres ou recensements
(***** = Informations personnelles protégées par la loi)
ID:  1816234
Johnny Leduc
Naissance:  28 sept 1879
Décès:  23 juin 1962
ID:  1816233
Cordelie Ayotte
Naissance:  03 nov 1885
Décès:  21 déc 1947
ID No: -1382474
Prénom: Alda
Nom: Leduc
Sexe: F
Naissance: 29 mars 1911
Paroisse/ville: St-Adelphe
Pays: Canada
Bapt./Source: Baptisée le 30 mars 1911 à St-Adelphe
Registre B-25
Décès: 09 janvier 1927 - âge: 16
Paroisse/ville: La Nativité-de-la-Sainte-Vierge, Montréal
Pays: Canada
Inh./Source: Inhumée le 12 janvier 1927 à Notre-Dame-de-Montréal, cimetière N-D-des-Neiges
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Alda was a victim of the Laurier Palace Theatre fire, a disaster which took place on January 9, 1927. During a crowded showing of the comedy "Get 'Em Young", the theatre was packed with nearly 300 patrons, most of them young children. A small inferno broke out; the ensuing panic was immediate, and terrible. The terrified children quickly formed a human stampede, blocking the doors, which opened inward, and trapping themselves inside. Firemen arrived, and quickly extinguished the blaze. By then, however, it was too late. Seventy-eight children were crushed,smothered, or burned to death.
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