Fiche personne principale |
ID No: |
1152660 |
Prénom: |
Louis |
Nom: |
dit Amyot
Sexe: |
M |
Occupation: |
Naissance: |
14 janvier 1810
Paroisse/ville: |
Chateauguay, Quebec |
Pays: |
Canada |
Bapt./Source: |
Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada at the Paroisse Saint-Joachim de Chateauguay |
Décès: |
09 avril 1902 - âge: 92
Paroisse/ville: |
Embrun, Russell, Ontario |
Pays: |
France |
Inh./Source: |
Church Record: Death
Source Information: Ontario, Canada, Deaths, 1869 – 1934 and Deaths Overseas, 1939 - 1947
Location or Parish: Russell
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Louis Amiot parents are listed as (Jacques Amiot and Marie Primo) on his baptism record dated 14 January 1810 in Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada at the Paroisse St-Joachim.
It states on the death record that Louis Amiot ...< plus >...
Mariage ou union de fait
Louis 22 ans & Marguerite 15 ans
23 janvier 1832
Chateauguay, Paroisse St-Joachim, Chateauguay, Québec
Source: Paroisse St-Joachim, Chateauguay, Chateauguary, Quebec, Canada
conjoint(e) |
ID No: |
1152661 |
Prénom: |
Marguerite |
Nom: |
Sexe: |
F |
Occupation: |
Naissance: |
17 octobre 1816
Paroisse/ville: |
Chateauguay, Chateauguary, Quebec |
Pays: |
Canada |
Bapt./Source: |
Paroisse St-Joachim, Chateauguay, Chateauguary, Quebec, Canada |
Décès: |
Paroisse/ville: |
Pays: |
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.