Fiche personne principale |
ID No: |
2027809 |
Prénom: |
Charles |
Nom: |
Sexe: |
M |
Occupation: |
Cultivateur |
Naissance: |
05 juin 1828
Paroisse/ville: |
Sainte-Marie-de-Beauce, Québec |
Pays: |
Canada |
Bapt./Source: |
Antoine-Charles. Same day, Church of Sainte-Marie |
Décès: |
21 avril 1877 - âge: 48
Paroisse/ville: |
Saint-Michel, Sherbrooke, Qc |
Pays: |
Canada |
Inh./Source: |
Charles Veilleux died on April 21, 1877, in Sherbrooke, Québec; he was interred on April 23, 1877, in the Parish cemetery of Saint-Michel-de-Sherbrooke.
#22043 |
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Mariage ou union de fait
Charles 24 ans & Marie 28 ans
05 octobre 1852
Sainte-Hénédine, Dorchester, Québec
Source: M-2 au registre.
conjoint(e) |
ID No: |
2027810 |
Prénom: |
Marie |
Nom: |
Sexe: |
F |
Occupation: |
Naissance: |
1824 vers
Paroisse/ville: |
Pays: |
Décès: |
25 novembre 1912 - âge: 88
Paroisse/ville: |
Saint-Michel, Sherbrooke, Qc |
Pays: |
Canada |
Inh./Source: |
Le 27 novembre; S-110 au registre.
88 ans. |
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
Marie Lesperance was born of unknown parents. She was called Marie Lesperance at the time of her marriage to Charles Veilleux, Her "tuteur ad hoc" was Pierre Sylvestre, therefore, she was later known as Marie Sylvestre.