Genealogy Arzenie Normandin

Genealogy Tree Family:  Normandin

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Peter Normandin

ID:  1202617
Francois Joubert
Born:  1817
ID:  1202618
Gertrude Gibouleau
Born:  14 Nov 1819
Death:  05 Sep 1897
Record Principal Person
     Pedigree Arzenie Normandin PersonHistory  
ID No: 1201570
Firstname: Arzenie
Name: Normandin
Gender: F
Born: 16 April 1869
Parish/City: Marlboro, MA
Country: United States USA
Bapt./Source: (Source: Recensement du Canada de 1901, Quebec, Hochelaga, Wickham, Image 2/8, Page 8, District 153 Drummond, Sous-district Wickham, Maison 55, Famille 62, Lignes 18)
Death: 10 July 1909 - Age: 40
Parish/City: Waterbury, New-Haven, Connecticut
Country: United States USA
Burial/Source: Elle serait décédée le 10 Juillet 1909. Ernest c'est remarrié le 17 Octobre 1909.
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
1885 - Mariage: Erzenie Normandin, daughter of Peter and Josephine; 16 yrs; at home, born at Marlboro; living at North Brookfield (Source: Massachusetts, Marriages, 1841-1915," index and images, FamilySearch ( ...< plus >...
Marriage or Union
Arzenie 16 years & Ernest 22 years
08 August 1885
North-Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts
United States USA
Source: Massachusetts, Marriages, 1841-1915, 4332353, Image of 950, Marriage registered in town of Spencer, Page 352, No 65

ID No: 1201417
Firstname: Ernest
Name: Joubert
Gender: M
Born: 08 November 1862
Parish/City: St-Hélène-de-Bagot, Bagot, QC
Country: Canada
Bapt./Source: Babtême le 09-11-1862; parrain, Jean-Marie Lafleur, marraine, Virginie Lapointe.
Naissance: 08-11-1861 (Source: Décès du Québec 1926-1997, Fiche 496248)
Death: 06 July 1941 - Age: 78
Parish/City: St-Hélène-de-Bagot, Bagot, QC
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: (Source: Décès du Québec 1926-1997, Fiche 496248)
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
1862 - Naissance et baptême: Babtême le 09-11-1862; fils de Francois Joubert père et Gertrude Lafleur de la paroisse de St-Hugues; parrain, Jean-Marie Lafleur, marraine, Virginie Lapointe. (Source: Actes d’état civil et registres d’église du Québec (Colle ...< plus >...

Other Marriages
Melina-Mina Pilote
Drummondville, 20 Dec 1937
Annie Veillette
Waterbury, 17 Oct 1909
Delia Gadbois
Sainte-Hélène-de-Bagot, 06 Sep 1881
Married children of Normandin Arzenie and/or Joubert Ernest
 Name Born Death Father Mother Husband/Spouse
 Alma Joubert 08 May 1886 Ernest Joubert Arzenie Normandin Lamadeleine Henry
 Alfred Joubert 29 Aug 1888 14 Oct 1918 Ernest Joubert Arzenie Normandin Massicotte Marie-Emilie
 Eugene Joubert 23 Jun 1896 Ernest Joubert Arzenie Normandin St-Onge Marie-Anne
 Arthur Joubert 29 Aug 1897 Ernest Joubert Arzenie Normandin Trudel Rose-Anna
 Laurianne Joubert 15 Feb 1902 02 Jun 1992 Ernest Joubert Arzenie Normandin Trudel Joseph-Victor
 Joseph-Rene Joubert 1903 Ernest Joubert Arzenie Normandin Guillemette Antoinette
Bachelors, Spinsters, Anonymous, Children According Register or Census   
 Name Born Death Father Mother
 Clara Joubert 15 Nov 1890 Ernest Joubert Arzenie Normandin
 Orize Joubert 28 Aug 1892 Ernest Joubert Arzenie Normandin
 Melida Joubert 13 Jan 1894 Ernest Joubert Arzenie Normandin
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