Genealogy Delphine Jacques

Genealogy Tree Family:  Jacques

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ID:  588289
Nazaire Courtois-Coty
Born:  22 Oct 1847
Death:  01 Jul 1908
ID:  609454
Sophie Hamel
Born:  21 Feb 1847
Death:  08 Jul 1889
Record Principal Person
     Pedigree Delphine Jacques PersonHistory  
ID No: 1429728
Firstname: Delphine
Name: Jacques
Gender: F
Born: 1883 about
Parish/City: Qc
Bapt./Source: United States Census, 1940 New Hampshire Hillsborough Manchester City, Manchester, Ward 12, 6-100 Manchester City Ward 12 (Area A - part), im-23
Death: 1953 - Age: 70
Parish/City: Manchester New Hampshire
Country: United States USA
Burial/Source: Find a Grave Memorial ID: 228743572
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Au rec 1940 Manchester NH, Delphine a 57 ans

Inh. Cim. Saint Augustin Cemetery
Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, USA
Marriage or Union
Delphine 21 years & Aime-Nazaire 30 years
14 February 1904
Manchester, St-Augustin, New Hampshire
United States USA

ID No: 1429727
Firstname: Aime-Nazaire
Name: Courtois
Joseph, dit Coty
Gender: M
Christening: 27 July 1873
Parish/City: Ste-Brigitte-des-Saults Qc
Bapt./Source: Fonds Cour supérieure. District judiciaire de Drummond. État civil. Sainte-Brigitte, CE403,S4, 1873, im-8, f-8r, b-22

Burial: 19 January 1942 - Age: 68
Parish/City: Manchester NH
Country: United States USA
Burial/Source: New Hampshire Deaths and Burials, 1784-1949

Find a Grave Memorial ID: 228743540
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Né la veille (26 juillet);
Olivier Lamprom (sic), cultivateur de Ste-Monique, parrain seul soussigné;
Adéline Hamel, épouse de David Lafond, marraine;
Nazaire Courtois, journalier, père absent.

Époux de Rosanna Fontaine en 1ère noc ...< plus >...

Married children of Jacques Delphine and/or Courtois Aime-Nazaire
 Name Born Death Father Mother Husband/Spouse
Bachelors, Spinsters, Anonymous, Children According Register or Census   
 Name Born Death Father Mother
 Albert Courtois 1905 1992 Aime-Nazaire Courtois Delphine Jacques
 Dora Courtois 14 Apr 1909 17 Mar 1910 Aime-Nazaire Courtois Delphine Jacques
 Henry Courtois 1910 1980 Aime-Nazaire Courtois Delphine Jacques
 Rita Courtois 1918 Aime-Nazaire Courtois Delphine Jacques
 Emile Courtois 24 Jul 1921 Dec 1987 Aime-Nazaire Courtois Delphine Jacques
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