Genealogy Adam-Anthony-Antoine Hoffman

Genealogy Tree Family:  Hoffman

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ID:  764031
Laurent Lemelin
Born:  22 Jun 1740
Death:  29 Mar 1789
ID:  764032
Reine-Felicite Miville
Born:  08 Jan 1742
Record Principal Person
     Pedigree Adam-Anthony-Antoine Hoffman PersonHistory  
ID No: 764001
Firstname: Adam-Anthony-Antoine
Name: Hoffman
Gender: M
Occupation: Cabaretier
Born: 1758 about
Death: 01 July 1832 - Age: 74
Parish/City: Québec
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: Adam Hoffman of the City of Quebec, formerly tavernkeeper aged seventy four years, died on the 1st of July in the year of our Lord 1832 and was burried the same day
page 98 Québec Anglican Holy-Trinity-Church
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Acte de mariage en anglais
Malgré que ses enfants se font baptiser catholique, Adam reste protestant

Hesse-Hanau, sergent quartier-maître (fourrier), corps libre des Chasseurs, compagnie Wittgenstein, embarqué le 11 avril 1777 (Rainsford) ; e ...< plus >...
Marriage or Union
Adam-Anthony-Antoine 28 years & Josephte 22 years
06 February 1786
Québec, Protestants, Quebec
Source: Mariage Rg

ID No: 764002
Firstname: Josephte
Name: Lemelin
Gender: F
Born: 25 March 1763
Parish/City: Cap-St-Ignace
Country: Canada
Bapt./Source: Bapt: 27 mars 1763, fille de Marie-Reine Miville et de père inconnu. Soit Laurent Lemelin est son père ou elle a été adoptée.

Statut Enfant illégitime prdh
Death: 16 October 1832 - Age: 69
Parish/City: Québec
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: Inh: 17 octobre, Josephte Lemelin, épouse d'Adam Hofman, aubergiste, âgée de 72 ans
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Mariage n présense de Laurent Lemelin, père

Pour la filiation, voir aussi le baptême de la petite fille Josephte en 1791

Married children of Hoffman Adam-Anthony-Antoine and/or Lemelin Josephte
 Name Born Death Father Mother Husband/Spouse
 Marie-Josephe Hoffman 12 Aug 1791 17 May 1857 Adam-Anthony-Antoine Hoffman Josephte Lemelin Demers Augustin
Bachelors, Spinsters, Anonymous, Children According Register or Census   
 Name Born Death Father Mother
 Marie-Reine Hoffman 17 Sep 1796 31 Aug 1797 Adam-Anthony-Antoine Hoffman Josephe Lemelin
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