Genealogy Marie Grenier

Genealogy Tree Family:  Grenier

(***** = personal data protected by law)
ID:  1074275
Nicolas Grenier
Born:  25 Apr 1767
ID:  1074276
Marie Duquet
Born:  16 Aug 1769
ID:  922676
Augustin-Marie Houde
Born:  22 Jul 1757
Death:  02 May 1811
ID:  922677
Marie-Genevieve Beaudet
Born:  1762
Death:  15 Apr 1799
Record Principal Person
     Pedigree Marie Grenier PersonHistory  
ID No: 1131469
Firstname: Marie
Name: Grenier
Gender: F
Born: 03 May 1795
Parish/City: Ste-Croix, Lotbiniere
Country: Canada
Bapt./Source: Marie-Monique Grenier was born on May 3, 1795, in Sainte-Croix, Québec; she was baptized the same day in the Church of Sainte-Croix. (S.L. # 22043)
Death: 27 December 1818 - Age: 23
Parish/City: Ste-Croix, Lotbiniere
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: Marie Grenier died on December 27, 1818, in Sainte-Croix, Québec; she was interred on December 29, 1818, in the Parish cemetery of Sainte-Croix. (S.L. m. # 22043)
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
A son mariage, elle est majeure. Présents à son mariage: Son père Nicolas et son oncle Isaie Duquet.

Fille de Nicolas Grenier et Marie-Louise Duquet.
Marriage or Union
Marie 22 years & Gregoire 22 years
01 July 1817
Ste-Croix, Ste-Croix, Lotbiniere, Quebec
Source: F.S.Hist., Ste-Croix, 1787-1836, im. 281 de 639. Raby, ptre. (# 17893)

ID No: 1131468
Firstname: Gregoire
Name: Houde
Gender: M
Born: 05 March 1795
Parish/City: Ste-Croix, Lotbiniere
Country: Canada
Bapt./Source: Gregoire. N: 1795-03-05 (Registre)
Burial: 05 October 1878 - Age: 83
Parish/City: Ste-Croix, Lotbiniere
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: D: 03 et S: 05-10-1878 à Ste-Croix. Agé de 85 ans. Epoux de Madeleine Garneau. Belleau, ptre. (Reg. B et S. 35, 15e f.) (# 17893)
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
A son mariage, il est majeur. Ses parents sont décédés.

Fils de Augustin-Marie Houde et Marie-Genevieve Beaudet.

Other Marriages
Madeleine Garneau
Ste-Croix, 27 Feb 1821
Married children of Grenier Marie and/or Houde Gregoire
 Name Born Death Father Mother Husband/Spouse
 Marie Desrochers 18 Sep 1818 23 Apr 1861 Gregoire Houde Marie Grenier Houde Urbain
 Adeline Desrochers 28 Oct 1833 Gregoire Houde Madeleine Garneau Pepin Narcisse
 Camille Desrochers 03 Mar 1835 Gregoire Houde Madeleine Garneau Garneau Clovis
 Phileas Desrochers 25 Sep 1837 26 Dec 1927 Gregoire Houde Madeleine Garneau Desrochers Marie-Anne
Bachelors, Spinsters, Anonymous, Children According Register or Census   
 Name Born Death Father Mother
 Sophie-Adelaide Houde 11 Aug 1828 Gregoire Houde Madeleine Garneau
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