Genealogy Emery Gauthier

Genealogy Tree Family:  Gauthier

(***** = personal data protected by law)
ID:  383881
Edouard Gauthier
Born:  1823
ID:  383882
Angelique Brasseur
Born:  30 Nov 1832

Louis Ferdinand Aubertin

Julie aka Virginie Cousineau
Record Principal Person
     Pedigree Emery Gauthier PersonHistory  
ID No: 2106999
Firstname: Emery
Name: Gauthier
Joseph Emerie
Gender: M
Occupation: 1909 Coniston Collectors Roll for Municipality of ??? Neelon twp Gauthier,
Born: 20 April 1860
Parish/City: St-Michel, Vaudreuil, Quebec
Country: Canada
Bapt./Source: Drouin Collection,, retrieved July 5 2007: Vaudreuil, St-Michel, film: 1859-1867, page 53: le vingt-un Avril mille huit cent, soixant (21 April 1860), nous pretre sans signe avans baptise Joseph Emery ne hier.
Death: 20 May 1940 - Age: 80
Parish/City: Ottawa, Ontario
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: SOURCE: Registre du Cimetere de Notre-Dame, [Ottawa] 1940: No: 349; jour [date of burial]: 22 may 1940; Emery Gauthier; Maladie: myocardial failure; died: 20 May 1940,age 80 years; epouse d’Edwidge Aubertin, birth place: Vaudreuil
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Genealogy Gauthier
Marriage or Union
Emery 31 years & Edwidge-Alberta 26 years
16 November 1891
St-Paul, Plantagenet, Ontario
Source: Obtained Marriage Certificate from St. Paul Parish RC Church, Plantagenet. Date of marriage: le 16 novembre 1891

ID No: 2107000
Firstname: Edwidge-Alberta
Name: Aubertin
Gender: F
Born: 21 October 1865
Parish/City: Alfred, Ontario
Country: Canada
Death: 31 March 1928 - Age: 62
Parish/City: Ottawa, Ontario
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: Death Certificate: Archives of Ontario, April 6, 2005,
SOURCE: MS935, reel 358, registration number: 010469, Reg'n year: 1928
County of Carleton, Division of Ottawa
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Genealogy Aubertin Buried: Ottawa, Notre Dame Cemetary, Section 16, Lot 46 06 1/2 East

Married children of Gauthier Emery and/or 
 Name Born Death Father Mother Husband/Spouse
 Alphonse Gauthier 29 Mar 1894 01 Jan 1975 Emery Gauthier Edwidge-Alberta Aubertin Lalonde Adele
Bachelors, Spinsters, Anonymous, Children According Register or Census   
 Name Born Death Father Mother
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