Genealogy Ella-Francis Curran

Genealogy Tree Family:  Curran

(***** = personal data protected by law)
ID:  1151601
Frederick Curran
Born:  08 Dec 1865
Death:  25 Mar 1948
ID:  1151602
Rose Bradley
Born:  19 Mar 1866
Death:  18 Oct 1920
ID:  1104850
Ferdinand Bilodeau
Born:  23 Sep 1845
Death:  14 Jan 1916
ID:  1104851
Adele Beauchene
Born:  04 Feb 1854
Death:  01 Jul 1891
Record Principal Person
     Pedigree Ella-Francis Curran PersonHistory  
ID No: 1151596
Firstname: Ella-Francis
Name: Curran
Gender: F
Born: 07 September 1896
Parish/City: Cumberland, British Columbia
Country: Canada
Bapt./Source: Recensement 1901 - Comox-Nanaimo- Ella F. 7 09 1896 - 4 ans.
Death: 06 April 1993 - Age: 96
Parish/City: Drumheller, AB
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: Inh. Cimetière de Drumheller Lot 502-3; Find a grave (C. C)
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Rec 1911 Comox-Altin, British Columbia - Ella-Francis
M: Omer Bilodeau, aged 38 years, bachelor, farmer, residence Union Bay, BC., born Holten, Michi. son of Ferdinand Bilodeau & Adele Bilodeau; & Ella Curran, 18 years, spinster, Mud Bay, ...< plus >...
Marriage or Union
Ella-Francis 18 years & Omer 39 years
27 September 1914
Sandwick & Courtenay, St-Andrew Parish, British Columbia
Source: British Columbia Marriage Registrations, 1859-1932

ID No: 1151595
Firstname: Omer
Name: Bilodeau
Gender: M
Born: 02 April 1875
Parish/City: Gentilly
Country: Canada
Bapt./Source: B: le 4. Louis Homère. Par/Mar: Noël Beauchène, et Saraphine Houle, épouse du parrain. FS Gentilly 1856-1876 ima 495
Death: 26 March 1948 - Age: 72
Parish/City: Calgary, AB
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: âgé de 72 ans. Avis nécrologique - Drumheller Mail du 1 04 1948. Inh. Cimetière de Drumheller Lot 502-3
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Résidence au mariage: Holten, Michigan, âgé de 38 ans, fils de Ferdinand Bilodeau et Adèle Bilodeau
12 09 1918 - conscription WWI- USA. Résidence: Ronan (Missoula), Montana, 42 ans, yeux bleus, cheveux bruns, grandeur et stature moyen ...< plus >...

Married children of Curran Ella-Francis and/or Bilodeau Omer
 Name Born Death Father Mother Husband/Spouse
 Laurette Bilodeau Jul 1915 Omer Bilodeau Ella-Francis Curran Blair John
 Grace Bilodeau Jul 1918 Omer Bilodeau Ella-Francis Curran Cottini Louis
 Private **** **** Private Private Private
Bachelors, Spinsters, Anonymous, Children According Register or Census   
 Name Born Death Father Mother
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