Record Principal Person |
ID No: |
999469 |
Firstname: |
John-Francis |
Name: |
Gender: |
M |
Occupation: |
Born: |
20 May 1892
Parish/City: |
St-Edmond, Coaticook |
Country: |
Canada |
Death: |
1970 - Age: 77
Parish/City: |
Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA |
Country: |
Burial/Source: |
Inhumé dans le cimetière de Lothrop Hill Cemetary, à Barnstable, Mass. |
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
B74 des régistres de cette paroisse, baptisé le 8 juin 1892, parrain John Clowery et marraine Mary Ann Waldrow
Marriage or Union
John-Francis 29 years & Angie-Thalia 26 years
13 November 1921
Coaticook, Church of England, Quebec
Partner |
ID No: |
999477 |
Firstname: |
Angie-Thalia |
Name: |
Gender: |
F |
Occupation: |
Born: |
04 August 1895
Parish/City: |
Church of England, Dixville |
Country: |
Canada |
Death: |
1979 - Age: 83
Parish/City: |
Barnstable, Massachusetts, USA |
Country: |
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Inhumée dans le cimetière de Lothrop Hill Cemetary à Barnstable, Mass.