Genealogy Anna Buckley

Genealogy Tree Family:  Buckley

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Sidney Buckley


Simeon Lord

Record Principal Person
     Pedigree Anna Buckley PersonHistory  
ID No: 1849603
Firstname: Anna
Name: Buckley
Gender: F
Born: 1831 about
Country: England
Burial/Source: Selon informations sur Ancestry mort le 17 septembre 1884 et inhumée à St-Mary the Virgin Anglican Chruch, New Maryland, N.B.
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Recencement 1871 York N.B.
John Lord 39 ans England
Anna Lord 39 ans England
Thomas Henry Lord 18 ans né aux États-Unis
Charles Edward Lord 15 ans né aux États-Unis
Frank Ernest Lord 5 ans né au Nouveau Brunswick
Sarah Jane Lord 2 ...< plus >...
Marriage or Union
Anna 20 years & John 21 years
02 November 1851
Cumberland, Providence, Rhode Island
United States USA

ID No: 1849602
Firstname: John
Name: Lord
Gender: M
Born: 16 April 1830
Parish/City: Rockdale
Country: England
Bapt./Source: Recensement 1901, selon la naissance de sa fille Elizabeth-Helen Lord 23 septembre 1896
Death: 02 December 1915 - Age: 85
Parish/City: New Maryland, York, N.B.
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: Archives N.B. 85 ans
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
John Lord se remarie après recensement 1881 et le 8 janvier 1886 (naissance Laura Lord) avec Alwilda McLeary - voir recensement 1901

Recensement 1881:
John Lord - born England - 50 ans
Anna Lord - born England - 49 ans
Frank E. Lord - ...< plus >...

Married children of Buckley Anna and/or Lord John
 Name Born Death Father Mother Husband/Spouse
 Frank-Ernest Lord 14 Nov 1865 29 Dec 1935 John Lord Anna Buckley Dewitt Mary
Bachelors, Spinsters, Anonymous, Children According Register or Census   
 Name Born Death Father Mother
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