Genealogy Ferdinand Brisebois

Genealogy Tree Family:  Brisebois

(***** = personal data protected by law)
ID:  45802
Charles Brisebois
Born:  1827
Death:  27 May 1901
ID:  45803
Julie Brennan
Born:  1850

Nérée Lauzon

Célina Raymond
Record Principal Person
     Pedigree Ferdinand Brisebois PersonHistory  
ID No: 24052
Firstname: Ferdinand
Name: Brisebois
Gender: M
Occupation: Contracteur
Born: 17 September 1875
Parish/City: Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue
Country: Canada
Parish/City: Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue
Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Died young.

Bapt: 19 Sept 1875 de Charles Brisebois et Julie Brennan
Marriage or Union
Ferdinand 24 years & Exerine 16 years
09 October 1899
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Ile-de-Montréal, Quebec

ID No: 45804
Firstname: Exerine
Name: Lauzon
Gender: F
Born: September 1883 about
Death: 21 November 1967 - Age: 84
Parish/City: STEAN B
Country: Canada
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Exerine venait d'une famille qui pratiquait l'agriculture a l'ile bizard. She remarried a Charles Lalonde and had a daughter named Mariette who married a Rene Beriault.
Père Charretier

d#2 selon BSQ, naissance 11-SEP-1882, Veuve Lalonde

Other Marriages
Charles Lalonde
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, 14 Aug 1920
Married children of Brisebois Ferdinand and/or 
 Name Born Death Father Mother Husband/Spouse
 Domina Brisebois 26 Dec 1905 22 May 1950 Ferdinand Brisebois Exerine Lauzon Hutt Margaret
 Ferdinand Brisebois 1913 1948 Ferdinand Brisebois Exerine Lauzon Lariviere Fleurette
 Mariette Lalonde 23 Aug 1921 22 Sep 2002 Charles Lalonde Exerine Lauzon Beriault Rene
Bachelors, Spinsters, Anonymous, Children According Register or Census   
 Name Born Death Father Mother
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