Genealogy Lucie Berthelot

Genealogy Tree Family:  Berthelot

(***** = personal data protected by law)
ID:  1264875
Joseph Berthelot
Born:  28 Oct 1797
Death:  08 Nov 1865
ID:  1264876
Helene Bernard
Born:  07 Sep 1809
Death:  05 Sep 1889
ID:  1761458
Jean-Baptiste Ferlatte
Born:  1771
Death:  05 Apr 1837
ID:  1503874
Julienne Poirier
Born:  1781
Record Principal Person
     Pedigree Lucie Berthelot PersonHistory  
ID No: 1375003
Firstname: Lucie
Name: Berthelot
Gender: F
Born: 1831
Bapt./Source: acte à rechercher
Death: 29 August 1854 - Age: 23
Parish/City: Carleton
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: Sépulture 31 août 1854, Carleton, Lucie Berthelot, épouse de Hubert Ferlatte cultivateur décédée l'avant-veille âgée de 23 ans(sic)
S.24, Carleton, St-Joseph, 1854, 16 de 25)
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Mariage entre Ubert Ferlatte cultivateur fils majeur de Jean-Baptiste Ferlatte et Julienne Porlier de Bonaventure et Louise Berthelot fille mineure de Joseph Berthelot et Helene Bernard
Marriage or Union
Lucie 20 years & Hubert 36 years
12 May 1851
Carleton, St-Joseph, Bonaventure, Quebec
Source: Mariage.12, Carleton, 1851, 10 de 29

ID No: 1375002
Firstname: Hubert
Name: Ferlatte
Gender: M
Born: 13 April 1815
Parish/City: Bonaventure
Country: Canada
Bapt./Source: baptisé 13 avril 1815, Hubert Ferlatte, né aujourd'hui de Jean-Baptiste Ferlatte cultivateur de Bonaventure et Julienne Poirier
(B.17, Bonaventure, 1791-1839, 186 de 697)
Death: 11 June 1896 - Age: 81
Parish/City: Pointe-à-la-Croix
Country: Canada
Burial/Source: Died on the eleventh and was buried on the thirteenth of June 1896
(S.Pointe-a-la-Croix, Presbyterian Church, 1896, 3 de 37)
Information, Other Kids, Notes, etc.
Mariage entre Ubert Ferlatte cultivateur fils majeur de Jean-Baptiste Ferlatte et Julienne Porlier de Bonaventure et Louise Berthelot fille mineure de Joseph Berthelot et Helene Bernard

Married children of Berthelot Lucie and/or Ferlatte Hubert
 Name Born Death Father Mother Husband/Spouse
 Philomene Ferlatte 10 Apr 1852 16 Apr 1926 Hubert Ferlatte Lucie Berthelot Pichet Octave
Bachelors, Spinsters, Anonymous, Children According Register or Census   
 Name Born Death Father Mother
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