Fiche personne principale |
ID No: |
1491591 |
Prénom: |
Jean-Baptiste |
Nom: |
Sexe: |
M |
Occupation: |
Naissance: |
1730 estimé
Paroisse/ville: |
Saint John, New Brunswick |
Pays: |
Canada |
Inh.: |
02 novembre 1765 - âge: 35
Paroisse/ville: |
St. Martinville, St. Martin Parish, Louisiana |
Pays: |
Inh./Source: |
St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church (SM Ch.: v.1, p.16)/ SWLR Vol 1a, p.53 |
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
On list of Acadian prisoners at Halifax, Aug. 1763; listed as Jean, with wife and 4 children (Jehn, p.249); arrived in Louisiana Feb 1765 with pregnant wife Catherine Caissie dit Roger and their five children with party from Halifax via St.-Domingue led ...< plus >...
Mariage ou union de fait
Jean-Baptiste 20 ans & Catherine 14 ans
, Nouvelle-Écosse
Source: based on estimated age of first child
conjoint(e) |
ID No: |
1491590 |
Prénom: |
Catherine |
Nom: |
Roger, Caissie
Sexe: |
F |
Occupation: |
Naissance: |
08 janvier 1735
Paroisse/ville: |
Beaubassin |
Pays: |
Canada |
Bapt./Source: |
bt. 20 Jan 1735; "Nova Scotia Births and Baptisms, 1702-1896," database, FamilySearch ( : 5 December 2014), Catherine Quiessy, 08 Jan 1735; citing ; FHL microfilm unknown. |
Décès: |
Paroisse/ville: |
St. James Parish, Louisiana |
Pays: |
Information, autres enfants, notes, etc.
9 April 1766 Cabanocey Census- Catherine Quessy, widow Bergeron-30; Jean-Baptiste Bergeron-12; Charles Bergeron-10; Magdelaine Bergeron-16; Ositte Bergeron-14; Joseph Quessy-21, her brother. On right bank of river. (Voorhies, p. 207)